Packed or compressed targets are usually executables (*.exe) or dynamic link libraries (*.dll) whose opcodes have been compressed or packed by means of byte manipulation and algorithm to get a smaller sized file. These files, when disassembled using Windows Disassembler (W32Dasm) or Interactive Disassembler (IDA), your results will either be nothing, or only garbage with a small bit of disassembled opcodes. There are unpackers for certain packers in the web, but sometimes they don't work because the programmers found ways to defeat them, therefore, the need for manual unpacking.
Before I continue any further, I must thank Iczelion for helping me unpack my first executable. He explained to me a lot about the PE and import tables and gave me directions and steps to unpack a file. THANKS A LOT!! ;-)
The target I'll was working on is Powerstrip v2.35.01, available from Entech Taiwan, packed using ASPack, also from the same company. But, any target, as long as it is packed with it can be used, although the decryption routines might differ slightly.
All the above tools are available from Iczelion's Site or mine, but the ones in mine isn't very updated. I'll be assuming that you know how to use your tools and have already set them up correctly.
As we all know, packers compress the executables and dynamic link library files to get smaller sized ones and also to protect the target from casual crackers. You might find the place you want to patch in memory (using Softice of course), but since the target is packed, you can't find the location. Now, there's a catch about this compressed exes and dlls -- they can *NOT* run in it's compressed state. It *MUST* be unpacked in memory *FIRST* before jumping to the real instructions. Using this knowledge, we'll be able to work our way through this.
I will not explain how to get to the main unpacking routine. Using softice and IDA, you *should* be able to know where the routine is. If you can't, then I suggest to gain more experience first. Here is the snippet of the main routine. I copied this from IDA and edited it a little so that it looks the same as what you can see in softice.
005B0000 60 pusha 005B0001 E8 00 00 00 00 call 005B0006 ; calling the next opcode 005B0006 5D pop ebp ; getting current address 005B0007 81 ED AE 98 43 00 sub ebp, 004398AE ; [does some calculation 005B000D B8 A8 98 43 00 mov eax, 004398A8 ; to get ImageBase 005B0012 03 C5 add eax, ebp ; of exe at eax] 005B0014 2B 85 12 9D 43 00 sub eax, [00439D12+ebp] ; image base (00400000) 005B001A 89 85 1E 9D 43 00 mov [00439D1E+ebp], eax ; save image base 005B0020 80 BD 08 9D 43 00 00 cmp byte ptr [00439D08+ebp], 0 ; compare byte with 0 005B0027 75 15 jnz 005B003E ; jump over magic calls if not 0 005B0029 FE 85 08 9D 43 00 inc byte ptr [00439D08+ebp] ; increase value at location 005B002F E8 1D 00 00 00 call 005B0051 ; Magic Call 1 005B0034 E8 73 02 00 00 call 005B02AC ; Magic Call 2 005B0039 E8 0A 03 00 00 call 005B0348 ; Magic Call 3 005B003E 8B 85 0A 9D 43 00 mov eax, [00439D0A+ebp] 005B0044 03 85 1E 9D 43 00 add eax, [00439D1E+ebp] ; get real AddressOfEntryPoint 005B004A 89 44 24 1C mov [esp+1C], eax ; save it 005B004E 61 popa 005B004F FF E0 jmp eax ; jump to real entry point
With my comments above, any dummy can guess that the three Magic Calls are the hearts of this unpacking routine. So, lets look into the first Magic Call.
005B0051 80 BD 2F 9E 43 00 00 cmp byte ptr [00439E2F+ebp], 0 005B0058 74 1D jz 005B0077 ; looking in Softice, this jump is taken ... 005B0077 8D B5 26 9D 43 00 lea esi, [00439D26+ebp] 005B007D 83 3E 00 cmp [esi], 0 ; checks for compressed sections 005B0080 0F 84 EE 00 00 00 jz 005B0174 ; jump if there isn't any more 005B0086 8D 85 86 9D 43 00 lea eax, [00439D86+ebp] ; get offset of "kernel32.dll" 005B008C 50 push eax 005B008D FF 95 74 9E 43 00 call [00439E74+ebp] ; call GetModuleHandle 005B0093 8B F8 mov edi, eax ; move handle of kernel32.dll to edi 005B0095 8D 9D 93 9D 43 00 lea ebx, [00439D93+ebp] ; get offset of "VirtualAlloc" 005B009B 53 push ebx 005B009C 50 push eax 005B009D FF 95 70 9E 43 00 call [00439E70+ebp] ; call GetProcAddress 005B00A3 89 85 76 9D 43 00 mov [00439D76+ebp], eax ; save address 005B00A9 8D 9D A0 9D 43 00 lea ebx, [00439DA0+ebp] ; get offset of "VirtualFree" 005B00AF 53 push ebx 005B00B0 57 push edi 005B00B1 FF 95 70 9E 43 00 call [00439E70+ebp] ; call GetProcAddress 005B00B7 89 85 7A 9D 43 00 mov [00439D7A+ebp], eax ; save address 005B00BD 8D B5 26 9D 43 00 lea esi, [00439D26+ebp] 005B00C3 8B 46 04 mov eax, [esi+4] ; get VirtualSize of section 005B00C6 6A 04 push 4 005B00C8 68 00 10 00 00 push 1000 005B00CD 50 push eax 005B00CE 6A 00 push 0 005B00D0 FF 95 76 9D 43 00 call [00439D76+ebp] ; call VirtualAlloc 005B00D6 89 85 22 9D 43 00 mov [00439D22+ebp], eax 005B00DC 56 push esi 005B00DD 8B 1E mov ebx, [esi] 005B00DF 03 9D 1E 9D 43 00 add ebx, [00439D1E+ebp] 005B00E5 50 push eax 005B00E6 53 push ebx 005B00E7 E8 89 00 00 00 call 005B0175 ; [unpacks section to space allocated 005B00EC 83 C4 08 add esp, 8 ; by VirtualAlloc] 005B00EF 3B 46 04 cmp eax, [esi+4] ; is size of unpacked data correct? 005B00F2 74 0B jz 005B00FF ; jump if it is ... 005B00FF 80 BD 09 9D 43 00 00 cmp [00439D09+ebp], 0 005B0106 75 39 jnz 005B0141 ; jump not taken when unpacking 1st section 005B0108 FE 85 09 9D 43 00 inc byte ptr [00439D09+ebp] 005B010E 50 push eax 005B010F 51 push ecx 005B0110 56 push esi 005B0111 53 push ebx 005B0112 8B C8 mov ecx, eax 005B0114 83 E9 05 sub ecx, 5 005B0117 8B B5 22 9D 43 00 mov esi, [00439D22+ebp] 005B011D 33 DB xor ebx, ebx 005B011F or ecx, ecx ; [line 005B011F to 005B013B 005B0121 74 1A jz 005B013D ; does more calculation 005B0123 AC lodsb ; on to the first section which 005B0124 3C E8 cmp al, E8 ; is being unpacked] 005B0126 74 08 jz 005B0130 005B0128 3C E9 cmp al, E9 005B012A 74 04 jz 005B0130 005B012C 43 inc ebx 005B012D 49 dec ecx 005B012E EB EF jmp 005B011F 005B0130 29 1E sub [esi], ebx 005B0132 83 C3 05 add ebx, 5 005B0135 83 C6 04 add esi, 4 005B0138 83 E9 05 sub ecx, 5 005B013B EB E2 jmp 005B011F 005B013D 5B pop ebx 005B013E 5E pop esi 005B013F 59 pop ecx 005B0140 58 pop eax 005B0141 8B C8 mov ecx, eax 005B0143 8B 3E mov edi, [esi] 005B0145 03 BD 1E 9D 43 00 add edi, [00439D1E+ebp] 005B014B 8B B5 22 9D 43 00 mov esi, [00439D22+ebp] 005B0151 F3 A4 repe movsb ; copies unpacked data to exe's address space 005B0153 5E pop esi 005B0154 8B 85 22 9D 43 00 mov eax, [00439D22+ebp] 005B015A 68 00 80 00 00 push 8000 005B015F 6A 00 push 0 005B0161 50 push eax 005B0162 FF 95 7A 9D 43 00 call [00439D7A+ebp] ; call VirtualFree 005B0168 83 C6 08 add esi, 8 005B016B 83 3E 00 cmp [esi], 0 ; anymore sections to unpack? 005B016E 0F 85 4F FF FF FF jnz 005B00C3 ; jump if there is 005B0174 C3 retn
Long, but straightforward piece of code. First, the addresses for functions VirtualAlloc and VirtualFree is retrieved from the GetProcAddress function. Then, the program allocates a portion of memory from a specific area in its own address space by a call to VirtualAlloc, then the packed section is unpacked into this address space. If this packed section is the first section, then more calculation is done onto it. Later, the unpacked data is moved into the exe's actual address space, and then the new address space is freed by a call to VirtualFree. This whole routine loops as many as 4 times for the 4 packed sections, which are CODE, DATA, .idata and .rsrc if you're using PowerStrip as the target. The names of the sections are obtained by looking at Softice's code window 'title bar' when the unpacked sections are moved there at line 005B0151.
Next, lets look at the second Magic Call.
005B02AC 8B 95 1E 9D 43 00 mov edx, [00439D1E+ebp] ; current image base address 005B02B2 8B 85 0E 9D 43 00 mov eax, [00439D0E+ebp] ; image base of exe before packing 005B02B8 2B D0 sub edx, eax ; compares them 005B02BA 74 75 jz 005B0331 ; jump if equal ... 005B0331 C3 retn
This second Magic Call puzzled me for a moment. The image base specified in the PE header is only the PREFERRED load address. That is, the PE loader can load the file elsewhere if necessary. This call checks if the current image base is the same as the prefered one. If it isn't, my guess is that it will relocate them. But this would normally happen to a dll.
005B0348 8B 95 1E 9D 43 00 mov edx, [00439D1E+ebp] ; Image base 005B034E 8B B5 27 9E 43 00 mov esi, [00439E27+ebp] 005B0354 8B BD 23 9E 43 00 mov edi, [00439E23+ebp] 005B035A 03 F2 add esi, edx 005B035C 03 FA add edi, edx 005B035E 8B 46 0C mov eax, [esi+0C] 005B0361 85 C0 test eax, eax 005B0363 0F 84 F6 00 00 00 jz 005B045F 005B0369 03 C2 add eax, edx ; get offset of dll name 005B036B 8B D8 mov ebx, eax 005B036D 50 push eax 005B036E FF 95 74 9E 43 00 call [00439E7E+ebp] ; call GetModuleHandle 005B0374 85 C0 test eax, eax ; test if call succeeded 005B0376 75 67 jnz 005B03DF ; jump if yes ... 005B03DF 89 85 1F 9E 43 00 mov [00439E1F+ebp], eax ; save handle 005B03E5 C7 85 2B 9E 43 00 00+mov [00439E2B+ebp], 0 005B03EF 8B 95 1E 9D 43 00 mov edx, [00439D1E+ebp] 005B03F5 8B 06 mov eax, [esi] 005B03F7 85 C0 test eax, eax 005B03F9 75 03 jnz 005B03FE 005B03FB 8B 46 10 mov eax, [esi+10] 005B03FE 03 C2 add eax, edx 005B0400 03 85 2B 9E 43 00 add eax, [00439E2B+ebp] 005B0406 8B 18 mov ebx, [eax] 005B0408 8B 7E 10 mov edi, [esi+10h] 005B040B 03 FA add edi, edx 005B040D 03 BD 2B 9E 43 00 add edi, [00439E2B+ebp] ; points to Import Table 005B0413 85 DB test ebx, ebx 005B0415 74 3A jz 005B0451 005B0417 F7 C3 00 00 00 80 test ebx, 80000000h 005B041D 75 04 jnz 005B0423 005B041F 03 DA add ebx, edx 005B0421 43 inc ebx 005B0422 43 inc ebx 005B0423 81 E3 FF FF FF 7F and ebx, 7FFFFFFFh 005B0429 53 push ebx ; points to dll function name 005B042A FF B5 1F 9E 43 00 push [00439E1F+ebp] 005B0430 FF 95 70 9E 43 00 call [00439E70+ebp] ; call GetProcAddress 005B0436 85 C0 test eax, eax ; did call succeed? 005B0438 75 0C jnz 005B0446 ; jump if yes ... 005B0446 89 07 mov [edi], eax ; save address of function to Import Table 005B0448 83 85 2B 9E 43 00 04 add [00439E2B+ebp], 4 005B044F EB 9E jmp 005B03EF 005B0451 83 C6 14 add esi, 14h 005B0454 8B 95 1E 9D 43 00 mov edx, [00439D1E+ebp] 005B045A E9 FF FE FF FF jmp 005B035E 005B045F C3 retn
From here, we can see that this third Magic Call is actually acting the work of the dll loader. And from the definition of the Import Table below, we can conclude that we will only dump the sections resulting from the first Magic Call. Now, lets concentrate on what we need to know before dumping the sections, that is, the PE file.
We will first learn about section headers. Load up Procdump and using the PE Editor function, view the sections of your target. You should see something like this. I'm using Pstrip.exe as an example.
Name Virtual Size Virtual Offset Raw Size Raw Offset Characteristics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CODE 000CB000 00001000 0004B200 00000400 C0000040 DATA 00002000 000CC000 00001A00 0004B600 C0000040 BSS 00005000 000CE000 00000000 0004D000 C0000040 .idata 00003000 000D3000 00001000 0004D000 C0000040 .tls 00001000 000D6000 00000000 0004E000 C0000040 .rdata 00001000 000D7000 00000200 0004E000 C0000040 .reloc 0000D000 000D8000 00000000 0004E200 C0000040 .rsrc 000CB000 000E5000 00024000 0004E200 C0000040 .data 00002000 001B0000 00001400 00072000 C0000040
As we can see here, there're 9 sections here. Every section consists of a header and a body (the raw data in the exe). The section table is 40 bytes long, and it's defined as follows in the WINNT.H file.
#define IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME 8 typedef struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER { UCHAR Name[IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME]; union { ULONG PhysicalAddress; ULONG VirtualSize; } Misc; ULONG VirtualAddress; ULONG SizeOfRawData; ULONG PointerToRawData; ULONG PointerToRelocations; ULONG PointerToLineNumbers; USHORT NumberOfRelocations; USHORT NumberOfLinenumbers; ULONG Characteristics; } IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER, *PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER;
I will only touch on the important ones that we need to know for our dumping work. Name is a field of 8 bytes storing the name of our sections, for example CODE, DATA, .idata and .rsrc. VirtualSize is the size of that section when the exe is mapped into memory on loading. VirtualAddress (for short, VA) is the starting address of that section when mapped into memory. SizeOfRawData is the physical size of that section in the exe file. PointerToRawData is the offset of that section in the exe file.
Before we continue, lets create an outline of what we should do for our dumping and exe creating process.
Now, you can start gathering the information we want for our dumping process. You will only need to know which sections to dump (we have done this earlier, that is CODE, DATA, .idata and .rsrc), the Relative Virtual Address (for short, RVA) of the sections (that is Image Base + VA) and Virtual Size of the sections. Using Procdump, we can easily determine these values we need. So, start dumping the sections into files using The Owl's fantastic tool, Icedump (or if you prefer, Quine's Softdump) into different files. The size of each sections will be the Virtual Size of it, and the RVA for the sections will be Image Base (which is 400000) + VA.
Next, we shall 'glue' these sections together using Ultraedit's fantastic copy & paste feature. But, before that, we need to know some more things. We'll need the Raw Size and Raw Offset of EVERY section. With this information, we can find out where the unpacked sections be found in the packed exe, and what are their sizes. These information can be found using Procdump too.
Now, start with copying the PE header of the packed exe to a new file until the Raw Offset of the first section, which is 400h for Pstrip.exe, CODE section. Next, copy the dumped CODE section into this newly created file, starting from offset 400h. Take note of the new raw size of this section, and the new raw offset for the next section, which is DATA. Do the same for every other sections. Remember to take note of the new raw sizes and raw offsets for every sections, then replace the old one using Procdump. THIS STEP IS VERY IMPORTANT.
Next, modify the PE header to reflect the new entry point and import table. The problem now is, we do not know where the import table is. Fortunately, the solution to this is very simple. But, we need to know how the import directory is structured. Please take note that the value of the Import Table entry is actually pointing to the VA structure of the Import directory. Here's the structure of the import directory, as given by Randy Kath from the Microsoft Developer Network Technology Group.
typedef struct tagImportDirectory { DWORD dwRVAFunctionNameList; DWORD dwUseless1; DWORD dwUseless2; DWORD dwRVAModuleName; DWORD dwRVAFunctionAddressList; }IMAGE_IMPORT_MODULE_DIRECTORY, * PIMAGE_IMPORT_MODULE_DIRECTORY;
I will not explain what the fields mean, as it is very obvious from their names. Here, there's only two fields which play an important role in determining the functions' addresses, which are the last two fields, dwRVAModuleName and dwRVAFunctionAddressList. dwRVAModuleName points to the name of the dll to load, for example, kernel32.dll. The dwRVAFunctionAddressList field points to an array of function addresses, and these function addresses points to the names of the function found in the dll. Well, not names actually, but to the ordinals of the functions, which is the 2 preceding bytes before the name of the functions. If there are a few dlls being used, then you'll have as many tagImportDirectory structures. As I mentioned before, the value of the import table should point to the first structure. But where's the structure?? With the information I've given above, I'm sure you'll be able to think of a way to find it out yourself ;-).
After making these modifications, save your newly created exe, keep your fingers crossed, pray hard, and execute it. ;-) If you have done the modifications to the PE file correctly, you should be able to run the exe and when disassembling, the disassembler should be able to locate the function names too.
In my opinion, the skill of manual unpacking should be mastered by every cracker, instead of depending on unpackers, both generic and specific, to unpack exes or dlls. This is because there are a lot of strains of packers of the same version and this can fool the unpacker very easily. I actually got inspired by Marigold's 'virginity restoration' method when reading his essays on VBox protection schemes.
Also, this method can be generally used for encryptors too, not limited only to packers.
ImageBase. Preferred base address in the address space of a process to map the executable image to.
AddressOfEntryPoint. Indicates the location of the entry point for the application.
VirtualSize. Indicates the size of the section when mapped to memory.
Import Table. A table of addresses which points to dll function names. This table is replaced by addresses of the functions before loading of the exe at entry point.
Sections. Sections contain the content of the file, including code, data, resources, and other executable information.